英検2・準2級 & センター試験


第10回(最終回) センター英語筆記 第4問B


 さて、この連載も今回で最終回となりました。最終回はセンター英語 筆記第4問Bを取り上げます。第4問Bは、「スキャニング(情報検索)」の能力を問う問題です。広告やパンフレット、企画書などの与えられた資料を見ながら、必要な情報を探し当て、時にそれを組み合わせて、3問の問いに答えます。

第4問B  必要な情報を迅速に探し当て、複数の情報を統合・整理する

 では、さっそく、平成25年度のセンター英語 筆記第4問Bを解いてみましょう。

[ 平成25年 センター試験(本試験) 英語筆記試験第4問B ]

第4問B 次の写真スタジオの広告を読み、次の問い(問1~3)の[ 38 ]~[ 40 ]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。


問1 Which is true about the studio's services? [  38  ]

① Customers must arrive an hour before the session.
② Frames come in three different colors.
③ Photographs will be delivered within three business days.
④ Someone on the staff can help customers look great.


問2 How much can non-club members save when they use the Fantastic Package Plan instead of buying the same products individually? [  39  ]

① $20.   ② $30.   ③ $40.   ④ $50.


問3 Which of the following statements is true? [  40  ]

① As many as five pictures can be included in a Multi-image sheet.
② Club members need to pay a $40 membership fee every year.
③ Customers can receive a 20th anniversary discount until December 31.
④ You must have a Fantastic Club membership to receive a free gift.



本文中の ‘Our stylist can help you with hair and make-up. You’ll look fantastic! と一致する。

本文中の情報から、Fantastic Package Planに含まれるものの料金を個別に計算し、合計額を合算すると、
$40×1 + $20×2 + $5×8 + $50×2 + $20 = $240 になる。
したがって、セット購入した時(Fantastic Package Plan)の料金$200と比較すると、$40割高になる。

1 2枚以上5枚以内の写真を入れ込めるので、本文と一致。
2 会員資格は2年間有効なので、文末の ‘every year’と矛盾。
3 ‘discount’(割引)を得られるわけではなくて、‘free gift’(粗品)をもらえる。
4 会員にならなくても年内に注文をすれば粗品は提供されるので、不正解。






[ 2012年度第3回 英検準2級大問5A ]


From: Alexia Gershwin <alexia-g@halperappliances.com>
To: Henry Lake <h-lake@newstepmail.com>
Date: January 27, 2013
Subject: New tennis courts


Dear Henry,
Sorry for not writing earlier. I can't believe it has been six months since we graduated from college. I've been really busy with my new job. There's so much to learn, and working in an office is really different from being a college student. I imagine that your work must be hard, too. I'm getting used to my job, so things are a little easier for me now. Are you getting used to your new job, too?
Actually, I was wondering if you might have some free time these days. I was driving home from work on Monday, and I passed some new tennis courts on the west side of town. They made me think about how we used to play tennis together in college. I know we've both been too busy to play until now, but I'd really like to start again.
The tennis courts are on Beale Street, and they're not far from either of our houses. I'm free to play on Saturday mornings or Wednesday evenings. Would you be free either of those times? If so, let me know, and I'll ask about making a reservation at the tennis courts.
See you later,

(39) Alexia thinks that

1 Henry's company is better than hers.
2 Henry's job is probably difficult.
3 Henry will finish college soon.
4 Henry can help her with her work.


(40) Recently, Henry and Alexia

1 have been going for drives a lot.
2 have been working at the same company.
3 have been too busy to play tennis together.
4 have been teaching students at their old college.


(41) What is one thing Alexia tells Henry about the tennis courts?

1 They are near their homes.
2 They are not open on weekends.
3 They do not take reservations.
4 They close early in the evening.



問題文、Alexia thinks that~に続く内容は、アレックスが考えている内容ですので、その情報を探します。すると、第1段落に I imagine that your work must be hard, too.(あなたの仕事はきっと大変だと思う)とあります。正解は2ですね。

問題文、Recently, Henry and Alexia~に続く内容は、二人に共通する状況です。そして、その情報は、第2段落 we've both been too busy to play until now, (忙しくてテニスをする暇もない)で提供されます。したがって、3が正解です。

  1 コートは家の近くにある。
  2 コートは週末はやっていない。
  3 コートは予約を受けつけない。
  4 コートは夕方早くに閉まる。
第3段落 they're not far from either of our houses.(コートはどちらの家からも遠くない)から、正解は1とわかります。





柳川 浩三 (やながわ・こうぞう)


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