TEAP Speaking Test 評価基準


TEAP Speaking Test

CEFR Level Descriptors
B2 PRONUNCIATION Speech easy to understand; accurate stress and intonation; some L1 influence on individual sounds.
GRAMMATICAL RANGE & ACCURACY Sufficient range of grammatical structures to deal with the range of functions required in the test; very few grammatical mistakes.
LEXICAL RANGE & ACCURACY Range of vocabulary sufficient to deal with the full range of topics presented in the test; word choice occasionally incorrect.
FLUENCY Speaks at natural speed; only occasional hesitation.
INTERACTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS Effective active and receptive communication; indicates communication problems (if any) naturally and effectively; effective use of back-channeling; in Part 2, incorporates what the examiner has said into his/her next question and/or gives relevant comments.
B1 PRONUNCIATION Speech intelligible; noticeable L1 influence on stress, intonation, and individual sounds.
GRAMMATICAL RANGE & ACCURACY Mostly uses basic grammatical structures accurately; errors occur when attempting complex grammatical forms.
LEXICAL RANGE & ACCURACY Vocabulary sufficient for everyday topics; incorrect word choice occasionally impedes communication.
FLUENCY Speaks slowly with some reformulation; hesitation noticeable and occasionally demands patience from listener.
INTERACTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS Sometimes dependent on examiner; signals communication problems effectively, but awkwardly; some evidence of back-channeling in Part 2.
A2 PRONUNCIATION Speech mostly intelligible; heavy L1 influence on stress, intonation, and individual sounds; some mispronunciations impede communication.
GRAMMATICAL RANGE & ACCURACY Uses some basic grammatical structures and memorized phrases accurately; makes systematic errors.
LEXICAL RANGE & ACCURACY Vocabulary limited to routine, everyday exchanges; incorrect word choice and/or lack of vocabulary frequently impede communication.
FLUENCY Speaks very slowly with frequent reformulation; hesitation very noticeable and frequently demands patience from listener.
INTERACTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS Almost entirely dependent on examiner; communication breaks down frequently; does not signal communication problems effectively; limited attempt to carry out Part 2.
No response OR
  • Often unintelligible.
  • Grammar almost entirely inaccurate.
  • Uses only the simplest words and phrases.
  • Speech disconnected; almost impossible to follow.
  • Communicates poorly but does not indicate communication problems; very limited (or no) attempt to carry out Part 2.
