About Eiken

Nihon Eigo Kentei Kyokai, or the Eiken Foundation of Japan (formerly the Society for Testing English Proficiency, Inc.), is a public-interest incorporated foundation established in 1963 and based in Tokyo, Japan.

Eiken produces and administers English-proficiency tests with the backing of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and in cooperation with Japanese prefectural and local boards of education, public and private schools, and other leading testing bodies.

  • Products

    Learn about Eiken products and services.

  • History

    Learn how, when, and why one of Japan's largest testing bodies was established.

  • Eiken Junior

    Eiken Junior is a suite of tests and learning materials offered in three levels and made up of listening tasks designed to encourage young children in Japan to learn English.