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Application procedure

QWhere can I check if the seats are still available in certain venue?
Please refer to "Test Place Availability" available on the top page.
○…Seats available  △…Few seats available  ×…none(full)
QWhen is the registration deadline for each session?

The deadline is noon (12:00), 5 days prior to the Written test date. The test date are available on “Venues & Dates” page.

※For Thursday test dates, the deadline is noon, 12 p.m., the Friday 6 days before the Written Test.
※If 5 days prior to the written test is national holiday, the deadline will be noon (12:00) the weekday before the national holiday.

QWhat kind of ID is accepted for IELTS?

Only your passport. No other IDs are accepted for IELTS registration at our centre.

On the day of the test, please bring the same passport you used when you booked your test and a clearly legible coloured copy of double-page spread BIO-data page of your passport. If you do not have a valid passport you will NOT be allowed to sit the test. No refund or change of test date will be permitted. If you need to temporarily let go of your passport for visa application, please contact us before you register for a test.

QI would like to make special arrangements because I have special needs. What should I do?

The test center needs to be informed of speacial arrangements 4 months before the test date in order to prepare special meterials for you. For futrher information, please refer to "IELTS Special Requirements" section on "Venues & Dates" page. Please be noted that you will be required to submit medical evidence in English.


QWhat can I do at IELTS My Page besides registering?
  • Confirm your registration (test date, venue, module, payment).
  • Change your registration.
  • Change your personal information.
  • Check your test results.
  • Request to send your TRFs to institutions.
  • Download your Confirmation Notice (Information regarding the test venues and schedules on the test day is available here)
QEven though it is before the application deadline, I can not select the test date I want in order to register.

Only test dates which have seats available are shown on the screen. If you can not select the date, it means that the session is already fully booked.

QWhy I am not able to log in to my online registration account?
There is a possibility that the username or password has been inputted incorrectly twice. Please check your user name and password on your registration e-mail. If your account has been locked, please inform the designated Test Centre about it via e-mail.
We will unlock it and inform you via email within 3 business days. When you send us the e-mail, please make sure you provide your name (in English), date of birth, and daytime telephone number.
If you are in a hurry to register, please create a new username and password, and register a new account.
QI forgot my IELTS ID and password. What should I do?

Please send us an e-mail. When doing so, please include the following information for verification purpose.

  • Your name
  • Date of birth
  • Passport Number
  • Home address
QThe online registration screen is frozen. What can I do?
This may be because of your PC security settings or your version of Internet browser. Please amend your settings and try again.
QI entered the wrong password 5 times and was locked out. What should I do?
Please wait for 30 minutes, or if you are in a hurry, please contact the test center where you applied. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Click here for inquiries

*Business hours: 09:30-17:30, closed on Saturdays, Sundays, National Holidays, during the year-end, and New Year holidays

Bringing a coloured copy of your passport

QWhich page in my passport should I make a coloured copy?

Please make a coloured copy of double –page spread of the BIO-data page with your photo and signature. For the sample image, please refer to the page below.

QAre there any specific requirements for a coloured copy of my passport?

Please adhere to the following when you prepare a coloured copy of your passport:

  • Real-size coloured copy on A4 size paper
  • Write your test date (year/month/date), candidate number, and Full name in the blank area of the copied page. For sample image, please refer to the page below.
QCan the copy be in black and white?
No, the copy must be in colour. Copies which are black and white, illegible, or considered inappropriate will not be considered and you will be asked to make another copy.
QIs there a photocopier at the test site?
Generally, there are no photocopiers available at the test site. We strongly recommend you make the copy before arriving at the test venue.
QI have made a coloured copy, do I still need to bring my original passport?
Yes, you must have both the original and coloured copy of your passport on the test day.
QCan I fold my copy?
Yes, but you may be asked to make another copy if the image becomes indecipherable.
QWhy do I need to make a coloured copy when I have my original passport with me?
It is part of the global IELTS regulation. Your passport copy will be collected and stored at the test centre as proof of your identity until the retention period is complete.
QWhen do I need to submit my copy?
Your copy will be collected inside the test room just before the start of the test.
QHow will my passport copy be stored?
Your copy will be kept confidential and securely stored under IELTS and Eiken's privacy policies. They will be destroyed after the retention period is complete.
QDo I need to prepare a copy every time I take the test?
Yes, a separate copy is required per test date.

About payment

QHow do I make payment for more than one test?

Please pay test fees separately when you apply for more than one test. Candidates need to obtain a Transaction Reference every time they register for a test. The numbers given are valid for only one test. Where payment has been made but registration procedures have not been followed correctly, we will not be able to process your application and will refund your payment minus an administration fee of 6,300 JPY (including tax). This will apply to payments made to us after the 3 day deadline for online registration, or where the registration process was not completed correctly.

QAt which convenience stores can I make my payment?

Familymart, Lawson, Ministop and Seicomart.

QCan I pay the test fee with a credit card?

Yes, we accept JCB, MasterCard, NICOS and VISA.

Post registration

QHow will I be notified about my IELTS examination.

Please check the details of the test using the confirmation notice which will be uploaded on to your My page.

  • The date for the upload of confirmation notice on your my page: 19:00 4 days before the Written test date.
    Please login to your my page and download the notice from "Confirm/Change/Cancel registration status" page.

Should you have any questions, please contact the designated Test Centre by 17:30 of the day before test.

QWhy is my name written on TRF all in small letter?

Be aware that your name on TRF will be printed as you register online.

Cancellation and changes

QCan I cancel my registration for IELTS?

“Confirm/Change/Cancel Registration status”. The refund will be deposited into the designated bank account about a month from the cancellation. If the bank account cannot be confirmed, we may refund via the credit card which is used for the payment of your test fee.

QWhile applying for cancelation online, I accidentaly logged out of my 'My Page' before entering my bank account information. What should I do?

Please send your bank account information to the IELTS Official Test Centre by email within a week.

  • IELTS Official Tokyo Test Centre: jp500ielts@eiken.or.jp
  • IELTS Official Osaka Test Centre: jp512ielts@eiken.or.jp
QCan I change my test date or test location?

You may request to change the test date or module online up till the registration deadline for free of charge. Please note that the requested changes of date or module are strictly subject to availability.#pbr]If you wish to make changes more than once you will need to receive an application form from the IELTS Official Test Centre. Please contact the IELTS Official Test Centre via email to check whether the change is possible or not.
Note that you will be charged 6,300 jpy per change.

QI have renewed my passport after registering for a test. Is there anything I should do before the test date?

You must update your personal information on the 'My Page' and contact the respective test centre at jp500ielts@eiken.or.jp or jp512ielts@eiken.or.jp, no later than noon, 12 p.m., 5 days prior to the test date. 
You should include in the message your reference number, test date, test venue, full name and both your old and renewed passport number.
If you fail to complete the above requirements by the set deadline, you will not be allowed to sit the test.

Test Results

QWhen do I get my test results?
An official Test Report Form will be sent out via post to your registered address. Scores may be viewed on "My Page" from 13:00, 13 days after the test date, however, please note that the online test score is provisional and cannot be used as an official confirmation of your achievement. We are unable to respond to requests for test results over telephone or through email. Only one official Test Report Form will be sent out to you, so please make sure that you keep it in a secure location.
QHow can I query my score?

In the unusual case you believe there has been a mistake in the marking, you can apply to our Enquiry on Results Service (EOR) to have your test re-marked. This must be done within 39 days of the Written test date.

QI wish to submit my test results to institutions that I am aplying for. What should I do ?

Please send us your request through IELTS My Page. Requests may be made through the 「試験結果閲覧・証明書発行(View Your Test Results/ Request to have your test report form sent to institutions) 」 page of "My Page" from 13:00, 13 days after the written test. Additional Test Report Forms will be sent out within 4 business days of receiving a request once details are confirmed.
For furether informations, please refer to "Issuing Additional Test Report Forms" section on "Test Results" page.

QIs it possible to issue Additional Test Report Form to myself? Are there any limitation regarding the designated receivers when I request to send Additional Test Report Form?
Additional Test Report Form cannot be sent to individuals including candidates themselves, relatives, acquaintances, or other private parties involved in studying abroad or immigration procedure. This includes private agencies as well.
Additional TRF can only be sent to official immigration departments, government institutions, and educational institutions.
Every institution has its own application requirements. Please contact the respective institution(s) to learn exactly how and where a school require your Additional Test Report Form to be submitted before forwarding us your request.
QI registered for a 2day session but I could not attend the written component for personal reasons. What would happen to the rest of my exam and my test results?
Accoridng to the IELTS Global Regulations, candidates are not allowed to sit in the rest of their exam if they fail to attend one or more component. Your test results will be marked absent and will not be disclosed. Hence, your Test Report Form will not be issued. Please make sure to attend all components.

Test Day Identification

QWhat is Test Day Identification?

This is a procedure for IELTS test security during the actual test session.

Candidates must:

  • Bring and show a valid passport on test day (this must be the same passport as the one used in the registration for the IELTS Test).
  • Submit a coloured copy of double –page spread of a BIO-data page with photo and signature in your passport which must be the same one described in #1.
  • Register your fingerprint
  • Have a photograph taken on the day (this will be used on your Test Report Form).

All candidates must follow the above procedure to take IELTS. Refusing to take part in any of the procedure will result in disqualification and you will not be eligible for refunds or test day transfers of any kind. Both your passport and the coloured copy you submit on the test day must match the registered information for your ID to be considered valid. Any other passport will not be accepted. If you have renewed your passport after registering for a test, you must update the ‘Passport Number‘ as well as the ’Date of Expiry' no later than 10:00 a.m. three days prior to your written test and inform the test center via email.

QHow is my finger scanned and how will it be stored?

The new identity verification process collects a finger scan using finger scan technology connected to a PC. Each candidate is asked to place their index finger on the machine and tap the machine several times.

The finger scan is stored as a binary blob made up of numbers (1, 0, etc). An actual image of the finger scan is not stored. IELTS staff cannot bring out individual finger scans. The IELTS Official Test Centre is committed to safely operating this system and is working with an outside security advisor to secure all information.

QWill the data be used on Test Day?
The photograph and finger-scan taken on test day will be used for identification purposes when entering and leaving the exam room and also for verification purposes on the day of the speaking test. All information is stored with the IELTS program and when placing your finger on the device, it will automatically bring up your photo image decreasing waiting time for verification.
QWill the data be used for any other purpose?
The test day photograph will be printed on candidates’ Test Report Forms, and will only be used for test related purpose (including but not limited to Test Report Form issuance, receiving organization verification, etc.) in accordance with national and international data protection law. Finger-scan data will not be used.
QCan I refuse to participate in test day identification system?

No. All candidates must have their photo and finger scan taken in order to sit the test. Refusal to follow our security procedures may result in candidates not being allowed to sit the test, and not be eligible for transfer or cancellation or refund of any kind.

QCan I see the photo which was taken? Can I choose which photo will be used in the TRF?
No. Candidates are not shown their photo. However, staff will make sure that the photo is clear and that eyes are opened, etc.
QThe Listening, Reading, and Writing tests takes place on Saturday and the Speaking test takes place on Sunday in Tokyo and Osaka. Does this mean that I can have my photo taken on Sunday?
No. Photographs will only be taken on Saturday, before the Listening, Reading, and Writing tests.
QI registered to take the test in Tokyo/Osaka but can't because of unexpected circumstances on Saturday. What will happen?
Candidates who have not had their photograph taken are not eligible to take the test and will not receive a Test Report Form. Furthermore, candidates are not eligible for transfer or cancellation or refund of any kind.
QI don't want the photo taken on the test day to be printed on the Test Report Form. Can I send a different photo of myself after the test and have it printed instead?
No. Photos on the Test Report Form must be the one taken on the test day at the test venue.